It is another busy day in London, and it is not supposed to rain until this afternoon, so what better way to spend a morning than to see if I can catch a glimpse of the Queen. Unfortunately, Prince Philip is in hospital and will not be able to join her today, and I am sure he will be on her mind most of the day. It is a shame he can’t be there to share all the special events with her.
I wandered down to the Mall and glued myself as close as I could to the railing with many others to wait for the Queen drive by on the way to St. Paul’s.
The crowd, as always was in a splendid mood and burst into song “God Save The Queen” and “Rule Britannia” at a moments notice. There were two groups on either side of The Mall that often broke into a cheering and flag waving competition. All very high-spirited and fun.
And I did manage to see the flash of pale blue as The Queen drove by following the car with Prince Charles and Camilla.
It was actually pretty exciting, and I must say, I have a sense of satisfaction that I have seen the Queen in her Jubilee Year. There was something poignant about her sitting with her Lady in Waiting, The Lady Farnham, rather than Prince Philip, but she was still all smiles when she reached St. Paul’s. You’ve got to love this woman. She just keeps soldiering on.

This lucky person was obviously at the Buckingham Palace Garden Picnic last night as witnessed by her official picnic basket. They were given to ticket holders as a gift! Photo by me
I watched a few minutes of the service at St. Paul’s Cathedral on the large screen in St. James’s with many others…

The Mall and St James's was filling up fast. By 12:30 when I passed it again, they had stopped any additional access. It was full. Photo by me.
…and then headed back to pack up and head off. I had to get to Charing Cross Station which was right in the middle of all the motorcades winding back and forth throughout the day. This was going to be interesting.
I passed streams of people heading to the Mall to see the procession and appearance on the balcony later this afternoon.
And so I am off to Kent today to meet up with My Beloved Brit. He has promised me a day or two of magnificent garden tours if weather permits before we enjoy the company of some of his family we haven’t seen in ages. The perfect way to end a perfectly wonderful Jubilee Celebration.
Happy Velly British Birthday, Young Lady!!!
Fantastic report, as per usual. Thanks again Pat for allowing us all to be there with you. I loved seeing the faces of the people in the crowds. They did look “jubilant” themselves, lol. It looks like good fun. Now I wish I would have been there, lol.
Oh, and congrats on getting a glimpse of the Queen on her special day!
Enjoy your Garden tours. No one does gardens like the Brits.
Safe travels!
Hi Pat,
As usual a wonderful report, wishing I could have joined you on your garden tours hope the weather better for you both than it was down here. jac x
It is chilly and rainy, but we are soldiering on. Love the gardens in Kent.