I thought you all deserved a leisurely stroll through a gorgeous autumnal setting in honor of that very American celebration, Thanksgiving. So take a break from cooking that turkey, grab a cup of tea, and come along.
Tucked off to the western edge of Bath, past The Royal Crescent , are the Botanical Gardens of Bath. And what better time to visit as the season changes from autumn to winter.
Getting there is half the joy. I headed off around Queen’s Square, through the gates to Royal Victoria Park, you came to the very edge of the historic downtown…
…and the beginning of a gorgeous expanse of greens and groves of trees.
I walked through what seemed liked pristine English countryside, and finally got to the entrance of the gardens.
The Botanical Gardens, set inside Royal Victoria Park, were designed in 1887 and within their 9 acres of rambling walks is an incredible collection of plants on limestone.
In classic English style the winding paths revealed quiet coves and gentle gardens each with their seemingly random nature, but actually beautifully planned.
It was well worth the walk.
Back to Bath Center, and lunch before my train leaves for London.
Stunning photos. Helped me feel like I really was there for a walk.
Looks cold too. We could use some of that here in Arizona. Its still in the mid to high 80’s. No winter for us yet, lol.
It was lovely, and I had my scarf and gloves so really enjoyed the change in weather. It got up to the low 50s so it was still ok, especially when the sun finally broke through the clouds!