
I love Bath.  It is lovely anytime of year.  Last time I was here it was late autumn and the leaves were golden.  This year, it is end of summer and there are flower baskets everywhere.

Bath on an early September day. Photo by me.

Bath on an early September day. Photo by me.

It is a spectacular city. Classic and modern, Roman and English, country and city.  The best of contradictions all in one very walkable location.

The Roman section of town. Photo by me

The Roman section of town. Photo by me

The main shopping promenade. Photo by me

The main shopping promenade. Photo by me

Flower baskets are everywhere. Photo by me

Flower baskets are everywhere. Photo by me

The Bath Abbey. Photo by me

The Bath Abbey. Photo by me

Around every corner there is another great scene. Photo by me

Around every corner there is another great scene. Photo by me

The lovely park in the center of Bath. Photo by me.

The lovely park, Parade Gardens, in the center of Bath. Photo by me.

Classic Bath. Photo by me

Classic Bath. Photo by me

We’re off to Wales, and the weather is supposed to change from sunny and 70s to cool, autumnal weather and rain.  Sounds like England to me.