

If London was golden this week, my first impression of Bath when I arrived by train yesterday afternoon was the honey bronze richness of the city under a clear blue English sky and lots of sun.  Yes, even in England they sometimes see the sun.

A glorious afternoon in Bath looking down the Avon River. Photo by me

It has something to do with the color of the gorgeous stone buildings that makes Bath so memorable. The architecture in this small city is Palladian spectacular. You can just imagine Jane Austen sitting in one of the small parks plotting her novels.

The Circus, designed by John Wood the Elder, Bath. Photo by me

The low autumn sun helped to define the classic facades.

The Royal Crescent was built between 1767 and 1775 and contains some 30 houses. Photo by me.

I hated to lose the sun today. Never know when I might see it again over here.  Today’s forecast is for clouds and some scattered showers, and it’s rainy outside now. Time to get the brollie back out.

A walk through the park, Bath. Photo by me

Ah, well.  I always say it is all the rain that makes the gardens and parks so magnificent in Great Britain.  Nowhere better.