
One of the first things, and the last, that we see when we visit Great Britain is the “services” on the motorway.  Usually, we pick up a car at Heathrow, and move onto the M25 (the London beltway) heading out to our destination…this summer our first night was in Cambridge.

IMG_0072Very soon after leaving the airport, we always want to stop and have a cup of coffee or tea and a break.  That’s where “services” come in, the common name in GB for “rest stops” on the highway. They are usually on a fairly complex “roundabout” off a motorway exit.


They almost seem American now, with Starbucks and KFC often featured.


But they also feature very British breaks, such as M&S (Marks & Spencer’s), Waitrose and Costa Coffee. Last year we even pulled in, pushed our car seats back, and took a kip (nap in American) before continuing on to Cornwall after an all night flight.  I often see others doing the same thing in the services car parks.


It now seems like a friendly greeting when we arrive…


and our last farewell before we turn the car back in.

IMG_0069Goodbye England for now.  I promise some great future posts on our visit this summer. I never had enough time to fit everything in, but there are stories to come.